Ground Work & Mise-En-Place

A Kitchen is a place of both Order & Chaos; the guests' order and the chaos follows. Well not necessarily and not always if the groundwork is all well taken care of in advance. Whereas the front house is a place of quiet, beautiful ambience that’s very relaxed and inviting; the back of the house, out of the view of the guests, is altogether a different story.

A Kitchen is a place of both Order & Chaos; the guests' order and the chaos follows.

Well not necessarily and not always if the groundwork is all well taken care of in advance.

Whereas the front house is a place of quiet, beautiful ambiance that’s very relaxed and inviting; the back of the house, out of the view of the guests, is altogether a different story.

Highly pressured, stressful, noisy and absolutely busy to help the guests get their food on time and of the same quality & consistency as always; all of this can actually be something quite overwhelming if the workplace is not organized well and the groundwork is not properly done & on time.

Most kitchens attribute the quality of the food served and the efficiency of the operations to the hours spent doing the necessary groundwork, where everything is made ready for the actual cooking, much before the doors are opened to the guests.

The French sure did know the importance of having everything in place when they coined the term Mise-en-Place. To be able to put out a perfect meal for several covers each day requires more than just cooking skills. What helps is to get all the ingredients in place and everything required prepared well in advance to make every dish on the Menu planned. Interestingly, one actually needs to slow down to speed up is the principle behind the Mis-en-place.

The key things to keep in mind:

1) All the pieces of cooking equipment, pots, and pans as required to be neatly laid out and in their places to avoid any scampering in between during the main cooking process.

2) Get all the ingredients ready - vegetables diced, sliced or cut to the correct shape & size; the herbs, spices & sauces prepared to specs required; poultry, meat, and fish cleaned & prepared and all neatly laid out in bowls & platters.

3) Last but not the least is to bear in mind is to Clean As You Go! Stacking away the things done with help to minimize the clutter and continuous wipe down the work-stations keeps the area clean, as tidying up keeps one in control, improves kitchen efficiency & productivity.

As the show must go on efficiently & effortlessly, it is very important, that all things are ready & pre- pared well in advance, because when the show gets going there is no time to go back to the basics.

The initial prep is actually the most important, if not the only important activity to get the entire symphony right, from the time of order to service all well-orchestrated and beautifully played out on the highest note.

The Mise-en-place when religiously followed becomes a way of life. For someone who has truly internalized the concept, it becomes a state of mind whereby each task, every situation at work or otherwise is anticipated, weighed in, assigned its value, prioritized and logically carried out to completion for that desired outcome.

For smart trained talent who understand these kitchen basics and fundamentals, ICCA Dubai is the place to go to when you need Commis for your kitchens.

Our smart trained Commis are taught the importance of these kitchen basics and fundamentals so that you get talent that is not only well suited for the kitchen roles but also have imbibed qualities that are beneficial in all walks of life.

Food for thought - Is your kitchen a space of order and well-orchestrated groundwork that adds to the pleasure of working?

Look no further for smart trained talent as Commis Chefs for your Culinary Team...To meet up and schedule interviews/trade tests for selection, kindly contact us at

Ground Work & Mise-En-Place

Ground Work & Mise-En-Place

A Kitchen is a place of both Order & Chaos; the guests' order and the chaos follows. Well not necessarily and not always if the groundwork is all well taken care of in advance. Whereas the front house is a place of quiet, beautiful ambience that’s very relaxed and inviting; the back of the house, out of the view of the guests, is altogether a different story.

A Kitchen is a place of both Order & Chaos; the guests' order and the chaos follows.

Well not necessarily and not always if the groundwork is all well taken care of in advance.

Whereas the front house is a place of quiet, beautiful ambiance that’s very relaxed and inviting; the back of the house, out of the view of the guests, is altogether a different story.

Highly pressured, stressful, noisy and absolutely busy to help the guests get their food on time and of the same quality & consistency as always; all of this can actually be something quite overwhelming if the workplace is not organized well and the groundwork is not properly done & on time.

Most kitchens attribute the quality of the food served and the efficiency of the operations to the hours spent doing the necessary groundwork, where everything is made ready for the actual cooking, much before the doors are opened to the guests.

The French sure did know the importance of having everything in place when they coined the term Mise-en-Place. To be able to put out a perfect meal for several covers each day requires more than just cooking skills. What helps is to get all the ingredients in place and everything required prepared well in advance to make every dish on the Menu planned. Interestingly, one actually needs to slow down to speed up is the principle behind the Mis-en-place.

The key things to keep in mind:

1) All the pieces of cooking equipment, pots, and pans as required to be neatly laid out and in their places to avoid any scampering in between during the main cooking process.

2) Get all the ingredients ready - vegetables diced, sliced or cut to the correct shape & size; the herbs, spices & sauces prepared to specs required; poultry, meat, and fish cleaned & prepared and all neatly laid out in bowls & platters.

3) Last but not the least is to bear in mind is to Clean As You Go! Stacking away the things done with help to minimize the clutter and continuous wipe down the work-stations keeps the area clean, as tidying up keeps one in control, improves kitchen efficiency & productivity.

As the show must go on efficiently & effortlessly, it is very important, that all things are ready & pre- pared well in advance, because when the show gets going there is no time to go back to the basics.

The initial prep is actually the most important, if not the only important activity to get the entire symphony right, from the time of order to service all well-orchestrated and beautifully played out on the highest note.

The Mise-en-place when religiously followed becomes a way of life. For someone who has truly internalized the concept, it becomes a state of mind whereby each task, every situation at work or otherwise is anticipated, weighed in, assigned its value, prioritized and logically carried out to completion for that desired outcome.

For smart trained talent who understand these kitchen basics and fundamentals, ICCA Dubai is the place to go to when you need Commis for your kitchens.

Our smart trained Commis are taught the importance of these kitchen basics and fundamentals so that you get talent that is not only well suited for the kitchen roles but also have imbibed qualities that are beneficial in all walks of life.

Food for thought - Is your kitchen a space of order and well-orchestrated groundwork that adds to the pleasure of working?

Look no further for smart trained talent as Commis Chefs for your Culinary Team...To meet up and schedule interviews/trade tests for selection, kindly contact us at

A Kitchen is a place of both Order & Chaos; the guests' order and the chaos follows. Well not necessarily and not always if the groundwork is all well taken care of in advance. Whereas the front house is a place of quiet, beautiful ambience that’s very relaxed and inviting; the back of the house, out of the view of the guests, is altogether a different story.

A Kitchen is a place of both Order & Chaos; the guests' order and the chaos follows.

Well not necessarily and not always if the groundwork is all well taken care of in advance.

Whereas the front house is a place of quiet, beautiful ambiance that’s very relaxed and inviting; the back of the house, out of the view of the guests, is altogether a different story.

Highly pressured, stressful, noisy and absolutely busy to help the guests get their food on time and of the same quality & consistency as always; all of this can actually be something quite overwhelming if the workplace is not organized well and the groundwork is not properly done & on time.

Most kitchens attribute the quality of the food served and the efficiency of the operations to the hours spent doing the necessary groundwork, where everything is made ready for the actual cooking, much before the doors are opened to the guests.

The French sure did know the importance of having everything in place when they coined the term Mise-en-Place. To be able to put out a perfect meal for several covers each day requires more than just cooking skills. What helps is to get all the ingredients in place and everything required prepared well in advance to make every dish on the Menu planned. Interestingly, one actually needs to slow down to speed up is the principle behind the Mis-en-place.

The key things to keep in mind:

1) All the pieces of cooking equipment, pots, and pans as required to be neatly laid out and in their places to avoid any scampering in between during the main cooking process.

2) Get all the ingredients ready - vegetables diced, sliced or cut to the correct shape & size; the herbs, spices & sauces prepared to specs required; poultry, meat, and fish cleaned & prepared and all neatly laid out in bowls & platters.

3) Last but not the least is to bear in mind is to Clean As You Go! Stacking away the things done with help to minimize the clutter and continuous wipe down the work-stations keeps the area clean, as tidying up keeps one in control, improves kitchen efficiency & productivity.

As the show must go on efficiently & effortlessly, it is very important, that all things are ready & pre- pared well in advance, because when the show gets going there is no time to go back to the basics.

The initial prep is actually the most important, if not the only important activity to get the entire symphony right, from the time of order to service all well-orchestrated and beautifully played out on the highest note.

The Mise-en-place when religiously followed becomes a way of life. For someone who has truly internalized the concept, it becomes a state of mind whereby each task, every situation at work or otherwise is anticipated, weighed in, assigned its value, prioritized and logically carried out to completion for that desired outcome.

For smart trained talent who understand these kitchen basics and fundamentals, ICCA Dubai is the place to go to when you need Commis for your kitchens.

Our smart trained Commis are taught the importance of these kitchen basics and fundamentals so that you get talent that is not only well suited for the kitchen roles but also have imbibed qualities that are beneficial in all walks of life.

Food for thought - Is your kitchen a space of order and well-orchestrated groundwork that adds to the pleasure of working?

Look no further for smart trained talent as Commis Chefs for your Culinary Team...To meet up and schedule interviews/trade tests for selection, kindly contact us at

Ground Work & Mise-En-Place