The "utterly butterly delicious," a delightfully goofy phrase for brand Amul was coined by Sylvester's wife, Nisha da Cunha.
Amul spurred India’s White Revolution, which made the country the world’s largest producer of milk and milk products and became the largest food brand in India. The brand was born in 1946. It's headquartered in Anand, Gujarat, India.
The full form of Amul is Anand Milk Union Limited. It's also associated with the Sanskrit word “Amoolya”.
Amul’s architect and chairman late Dr Verghese Kurien died in the 50th year of the creation of Amul. He was called the Milkman of India.
The iconic Amul girl was born in 1966. She has already completed well over 50 years. The (original) Amul Girl was created by Sylvester daCunha (daCunha Communications) to counter the Polson dairy girl (a locally-owned dairy in Anand). The Amul Girl was sketched by art director Eustace Fernandes.
The "utterly butterly delicious," a delightfully goofy phrase for brand Amul was coined by Sylvester's wife, Nisha da Cunha.
da Kunha designed a campaign which is popular and a series of hoardings on day-to-day issues. It earned a Guinness world record for the longest-running ad campaign in the world.
The present Amul Butter cartoons are drawn by Jayant Rane. Amul’s famous slogan, " The Taste of India ", which is now a part of its logo, was created in 1994 by Shri Kanon Krishna of a Mumbai-based advertising agency called Advertising and Sales Promotion (ASP). The Taste of India slogan is more than just corporate positioning or advertising jargon. This slogan lends meaning to the brand’s never-ending commitment to taking quality food and products to the rural man, which he otherwise couldn’t have afforded.
The Amul model has helped India to emerge as the largest milk producer in the world. More than 15 million milk producers pour their milk in 1,44,500 dairy cooperative societies across the country.Amul is the world’s biggest vegetarian cheese brand.Amul is not just a brand; it is also a movement that represents farmers’ economic freedom.
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