Looking Ahead To Another Great Year!

New Year means 12 new chapters… 365 new opportunities of meeting people who are not willing to settle for anything less than what makes them feel great when it comes to passion for great food.

December has almost come to an end, and as we set ourselves up to bid adieu to 2018 and embrace another year that could be a new chapter or well perhaps a whole new book in our lives… I like to remind myself and the others that it is never too late to begin something new, anything that will evoke a feeling of elation within. And this could be in any space and sphere of one’s life.

In the many years that I have been spearheading ICCA, I have witnessed people who have given up careers at their peak to pursue their love for Cooking Food. Some very senior members joined the program, not to make careers but to give a whole new dimension and flair to what they enjoyed doing. It is heartening to see the young & old food enthusiasts experience the thrill of dishing up delicious fares.

For some of them, a kitchen is a place where they can unleash their fire and discover that flame within. It is such a marvel to see how one basic food ingredient could take on so many varied textures, forms, flavours and tastes in the hands of these Culinary Connoisseurs.

Then there are the few who enter the kitchen to explore something new and get completely awed by the whole experience. Food is about Art & Science coming together and a Chef is by no means an ordinary being. He or She actually is a scientist and an artist together, to be able to play up the senses of the one being served.

The food although is an absolute basic and everyday essential, it makes people get enthusiastic over its intricacies and infinite possibilities. Simple or spectacular; either the hands that stir the pot or the hand that devour it; morning, noon or night; shared with family or friends; Food simply put is Life.

And for me and all at ICCA, the New Year means 12 new chapters… 365 new opportunities of meeting people who are not willing to settle for anything less than what makes them feel great when it comes to passion for great food.

Season’s Greetings and wishes for a spectacular New Year!

Looking Ahead To Another Great Year!

Looking Ahead To Another Great Year!

New Year means 12 new chapters… 365 new opportunities of meeting people who are not willing to settle for anything less than what makes them feel great when it comes to passion for great food.

December has almost come to an end, and as we set ourselves up to bid adieu to 2018 and embrace another year that could be a new chapter or well perhaps a whole new book in our lives… I like to remind myself and the others that it is never too late to begin something new, anything that will evoke a feeling of elation within. And this could be in any space and sphere of one’s life.

In the many years that I have been spearheading ICCA, I have witnessed people who have given up careers at their peak to pursue their love for Cooking Food. Some very senior members joined the program, not to make careers but to give a whole new dimension and flair to what they enjoyed doing. It is heartening to see the young & old food enthusiasts experience the thrill of dishing up delicious fares.

For some of them, a kitchen is a place where they can unleash their fire and discover that flame within. It is such a marvel to see how one basic food ingredient could take on so many varied textures, forms, flavours and tastes in the hands of these Culinary Connoisseurs.

Then there are the few who enter the kitchen to explore something new and get completely awed by the whole experience. Food is about Art & Science coming together and a Chef is by no means an ordinary being. He or She actually is a scientist and an artist together, to be able to play up the senses of the one being served.

The food although is an absolute basic and everyday essential, it makes people get enthusiastic over its intricacies and infinite possibilities. Simple or spectacular; either the hands that stir the pot or the hand that devour it; morning, noon or night; shared with family or friends; Food simply put is Life.

And for me and all at ICCA, the New Year means 12 new chapters… 365 new opportunities of meeting people who are not willing to settle for anything less than what makes them feel great when it comes to passion for great food.

Season’s Greetings and wishes for a spectacular New Year!

New Year means 12 new chapters… 365 new opportunities of meeting people who are not willing to settle for anything less than what makes them feel great when it comes to passion for great food.

December has almost come to an end, and as we set ourselves up to bid adieu to 2018 and embrace another year that could be a new chapter or well perhaps a whole new book in our lives… I like to remind myself and the others that it is never too late to begin something new, anything that will evoke a feeling of elation within. And this could be in any space and sphere of one’s life.

In the many years that I have been spearheading ICCA, I have witnessed people who have given up careers at their peak to pursue their love for Cooking Food. Some very senior members joined the program, not to make careers but to give a whole new dimension and flair to what they enjoyed doing. It is heartening to see the young & old food enthusiasts experience the thrill of dishing up delicious fares.

For some of them, a kitchen is a place where they can unleash their fire and discover that flame within. It is such a marvel to see how one basic food ingredient could take on so many varied textures, forms, flavours and tastes in the hands of these Culinary Connoisseurs.

Then there are the few who enter the kitchen to explore something new and get completely awed by the whole experience. Food is about Art & Science coming together and a Chef is by no means an ordinary being. He or She actually is a scientist and an artist together, to be able to play up the senses of the one being served.

The food although is an absolute basic and everyday essential, it makes people get enthusiastic over its intricacies and infinite possibilities. Simple or spectacular; either the hands that stir the pot or the hand that devour it; morning, noon or night; shared with family or friends; Food simply put is Life.

And for me and all at ICCA, the New Year means 12 new chapters… 365 new opportunities of meeting people who are not willing to settle for anything less than what makes them feel great when it comes to passion for great food.

Season’s Greetings and wishes for a spectacular New Year!

Looking Ahead To Another Great Year!