Why Cake? Why Bake, Or Decorate For That Matter…?

Here at the ICCA Dubai Sugarcraft Program, one can learn to create wonders with sugar and make absolute show stoppers that you never thought you could do, until you learn how. Coupled with learning how to bake well, you then have a win-win combination.
Everyone has heard the saying, “A party without cake is just a meeting.”
Birthdays, anniversaries, weddings, inaugurations and the arrivalsof new births – as long as we have human milestones and landmark occasions tocelebrate – cake will always adorn the table. A cake centerpiece adorning thedining table not only sweetens the palate but also makes the memories fonder.There will always be good reason to celebrate and eat cake.
Here at the ICCA Dubai Sugarcraft Program, one can learn to create wonders with sugar and make absolute show stoppers that you never thought you could do, until you learn how. Coupled with learning how to bake well, you then have a win-win combination.
You can become the likes of Lorraine Pascale and Yolanda Gampp with diploma in baking courses.
“When the pursuit of knowledge becomes a joy because the desire has been awakened to know more… the student will be eager to uncover what they do not know, that knowledge may take the place of ignorance”, said Mary Kimball Morgan.
It is time to grow from the amateur baker to a refined and trained pastry chef to put up before your friends and family. From there, with the tips and tricks of the trade taught at ICCA, you can make it your prospective career.
What once was amateur baking, becomes a cakewalk! Voila.